The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 selects Osmosis

The Commission appoints sustainable investment manager Osmosis to run environmentally focused portfolio

This post is issued by Osmosis (Holdings) Limited, a London based investment management group. For more information, please contact Lisa Harrison on 07716 912832 or [email protected]

Press Release

The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 (the Commission) has appointed sustainable investment manager, Osmosis Investment Management, to run an environmentally focused portfolio targeting the world’s most Resource Efficient companies.

Osmosis’s Resource Efficient Core Equity Fund* advocates that the most climate-resilient and efficient corporate business models will benefit from a lower cost of capital and stronger growth fundamentals in the long term.

The Osmosis Core Equity strategy was launched in 2017 and has since attracted over $16** billion in assets. Utilising Osmosis’ proprietary environmental research, which identifies companies that are more resource-efficient in creating economic value than their same-sector peers, the resulting portfolio reduces the carbon, water, and waste intensity by an average of 60% relative to the underlying benchmark.

Anthony Chisnall, Head of Distribution at Osmosis said:

“It has been a great pleasure working with the Commission to understand their objectives and to deliver a strategy which we believe goes above and beyond traditional decarbonisation approaches in addressing both environmental impact and fiduciary responsibility.”

*The Resource Efficient Core Equity Fund is not available to US investors.

**Assets under management and advisory as of 14 October 2024.

Image source: Wikipedia.

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Global Investors (ex US). This report is issued in the UK by Osmosis Investment Management UK Limited (“Osmosis”). Osmosis is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority “FCA” with FRN 765056. This document is a “financial promotion” within the scope of the rules of the FCA. In the United Kingdom, the issue or distribution of this document is being made only to and directed only at professional clients (as defined in the rules of the FCA) (“Professional Clients”). This document must not be acted or relied upon by persons who are not Professional Clients. Any investment or investment activity to which this document relates is available only to Professional Clients and will be engaged in only with Professional Clients.

This document is issued by Osmosis Investment Management US LLC (“Osmosis”). Osmosis Investment Management UK Limited (“Osmosis UK”) is an affiliate of Osmosis and has been operating the Osmosis Model of Resource Efficiency. Osmosis UK is regulated by the FCA. Osmosis and Osmosis UK are both wholly owned by Osmosis (Holdings) Limited (“OHL”).

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