Osmosis Investment Management Partners with Harbor Capital Advisors to subadvise first ETFs

This post is issued by Osmosis (Holdings) Limited, a London based investment management group. For more information, please contact Lisa Harrison on 07716 912832 or [email protected]

January 6, 2025 – London based sustainable investment manager, Osmosis Investment Management (“Osmosis”) has entered into an agreement with Harbor Capital Advisors, Inc. (“Harbor”), to subadvise a suite of Resource Efficient ETFs domiciled in the United States. An international developed markets solution began trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Thursday December 12th and an Emerging Markets offering started trading on the exchange on December 19th.

The expansion into subadvising these ETFs marks a key inflection point in Osmosis’ 17-year history. The environmentally focused manager has seen its assets under management grow by 474% (79% year-on-year) in the last three years to over $17 billion and counts Government Pension Funds, State Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Foundations, Endowments, Family Offices, and Banks amongst its global client roster.

“Now seems to be an especially fitting time for Osmosis to join the US conversation on efficiency. Our innovative approach to sustainable investing focuses on corporate environmental efficiency and targets returns by identifying companies that generate more from less. We believe efficiency benefits the bottom line as well as society.”

Osmosis CEO, Ben Dear

Osmosis’s proprietary research has consistently demonstrated that positive environmental impact doesn’t need to be at the cost of investment performance. Its team of in-house data experts analyze and rank the world’s largest corporations based on their sustainable actions rather than their targets or intentions. Through its Model of Resource Efficiency, which evaluates, standardizes, and contextualizes environmental data at a sector level, Osmosis can link corporate Resource Efficiency to economic value generation and financial performance. Osmosis leverages this quantitative research to create diversified portfolios of high-quality, resource-efficient companies which It believes will outperform their sector peers over the long term.

Across its strategies, Osmosis seeks superior risk-adjusted returns, while offering significantly reduced environmental (carbon, water, and waste) footprints relative to their benchmarks. All portfolios are ex-tobacco and aligned with UN Global Compact Principles for social and governance safeguarding.  

“Finding specialised boutiques with a distinct alpha edge is what we live and breathe at Harbor, and I believe we have found another strong partner to add to our line-up of managers. The combination of alpha-seeking with an aim of reduced environmental footprint in these strategies is compelling and in demand in the marketplace.”

Kristof Gleich, President & CIO at Harbor Capital Advisors

About Osmosis

Osmosis currently manages over $17bn (as of November 30, 2024) in sustainable assets and is headquartered in London, with a growing global presence. Osmosis believes that targeting better risk-adjusted returns and delivering significant environmental impact do not need to be mutually exclusive endeavours. Through its innovative Model of Resource Efficiency, the company has demonstrated that sustainability metrics, if quantifiable and objective in nature, can be applied to mainstream equity portfolios to generate alpha.


About Harbor Capital

Harbor Capital Advisors is a U.S. based asset manager with an AUM of $63.1 billion as of September 30, 2024, and is known for prudently curating a suite of active ETFs, mutual funds, and collective investment trusts from boutique managers.

Important Information

This document is issued by Osmosis (Holdings) Limited, a London-based investment management group. Osmosis Investment Management UK Ltd (“Osmosis UK”), Osmosis Investment Management US LLC (“Osmosis US”)  and Osmosis Investment management (Australia) Pty Ltd (“Osmosis AUS”) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Osmosis (Holdings) Limited (“OHL”). Osmosis UK is regulated in the UK by the FCA. Osmosis US is a registered investor advisor with the SEC in the US and Osmosis AUS is a corporate authorised representative of Eminence Global Asset Management Pty Ltd (AFSL 305573). Registration with the SEC does not imply any level of skill or training.

Securities mentioned herein may not be available in all jurisdictions, are not considered an offer and may be subject to registration or other restrictions in certain locations. Please consult your local laws and regulations or speak with a licensed professional for additional information.

For more information, please contact Lisa Harrison on +44 7716 912832 or [email protected]

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Important Information

Global Investors (ex US). This report is issued in the UK by Osmosis Investment Management UK Limited (“Osmosis”). Osmosis is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority “FCA” with FRN 765056. This document is a “financial promotion” within the scope of the rules of the FCA. In the United Kingdom, the issue or distribution of this document is being made only to and directed only at professional clients (as defined in the rules of the FCA) (“Professional Clients”). This document must not be acted or relied upon by persons who are not Professional Clients. Any investment or investment activity to which this document relates is available only to Professional Clients and will be engaged in only with Professional Clients.

This document is issued by Osmosis Investment Management US LLC (“Osmosis”). Osmosis Investment Management UK Limited (“Osmosis UK”) is an affiliate of Osmosis and has been operating the Osmosis Model of Resource Efficiency. Osmosis UK is regulated by the FCA. Osmosis and Osmosis UK are both wholly owned by Osmosis (Holdings) Limited (“OHL”).

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